Studio Gear Cheat Sheet for the Singer Songwriter.


A gift from me to you.

Take a lesson from me, and stop buying lame studio gear. The industry is filled with gimmicks and tricks to get you to buy gear that isn't going to really help you. I've distilled my 15 years of gear knowledge into three levels of gear for making amazing sounding music, based on budget. Click here to download the Cheat Sheet.


The Triple Threat Artist

Heads up! I'm launching a new courseĀ tailored specifically for Singer Songwriters who are sick of trying to find a producer for their music. In just a few months this class will teach you how you can record and produce your own songs, saving you tons of frustration and money. When you download the Studio Gear Cheat Sheet you'll automatically get on my email list, and I'll let you know when the course launches. No frills, no BS.


50% Complete

I'm Ready!

(By giving my email address I'm also subscribing to The Triple Threat Artist newsletter. But I'm stoked about this because Zion gives his word that my email will never be spammed with stupid solicitations or sold to the evil empires. Instead he promises to occasionally share his sweet home studio hacks that I'll feel proud to write about in my letters home to Aunt Edna.)